Wordle Alternatives - LinkedIn Announces Three New Puzzle Games

Wordle Alternatives - LinkedIn Announces Three New Puzzle Games

In a puzzling move, LinkedIn announced today that the social media network is launching a gaming hub, where LinkedIn users can choose from three different puzzle games (Pinpoint, Queens, Crossclimb).

Each game can be played once a day and includes metrics such as high scores, daily streaks, leaderboards, and who in the network is playing. Check out the games here.

To find the games on your desktop, go to the News module or MyNetwork tab on the LinkedIn homepage. You will find a link to each game. Games can also be played on the LinkedIn App.

A brief breakdown of how to play each game follows:

For those who use LinkedIn only as a resume holder or job search engine, it is easy to forget that the job-focused site is a social media network.

So why did LinkedIn add the game? In a blog post introducing the game, Daniel Roth, LinkedIn's editor-in-chief, wrote, "LinkedIn's goal is to find ways for professionals to share information and stay connected and keep going.

This is one way for companies to keep users engaged on their platform. Typically, we would associate newspapers. The New York Times acquired Wordle for at least $1 million. Last year, puzzle game site Puzzmo launched in October and was almost immediately acquired by Hearst Newspapers.

LinkedIn games are free for now LinkedIn games are free for now.
