'The Mole' Season 2: Top Suspects in the Netflix Reality Series

'The Mole' Season 2: Top Suspects in the Netflix Reality Series

The Netflix reality series "The Mole" is back for a round of high-stakes competitive action that will have us all asking one question: who is the "mole"? [This challenge will have us all asking one question: who is "The Mole?"

The newest contestants are working hard at all kinds of tough mental and physical challenges in order to increase their winnings as much as possible. The problem is that one of them, the mole, has been secretly hired by the show's producers to ruin the efforts of his fellow contestants while avoiding suspicion from the other contestants.

The team has already completed a number of epic missions in Malaysia, and several have already dropped out of the search. However, with two more episodes coming up on July 5 and July 12, there is still time for the secret saboteurs to be unmasked.

There is no excuse: Michael is the prime suspect. From episode 1 to episode 5, he drained the group's funds for the bounty pot, with some sabotage-like moves (throwing the case further under the radar in episode 2?).

But one thing is crucial: Michael may be too obvious a pick for "The Mole" Season 2. As anyone who watched Season 1 knows, Joey was the prime suspect for a while, but eventually someone had to expose him for what he was. And since you can never be too sure of "The Mole's" deductions, we're keeping an eye on the other competitors.

Ryan looks likely for several reasons. Yes, she managed to shoot two intruders in her first challenge, but perhaps this was a big move to make herself a team player from the start.

She didn't have too many diary room moments in the first batch of episodes, she wasn't exactly helpful during the heist, and she dropped out of the first immunity challenge after running out of $20,000 from the pot. And according to her bio, even though she is very athletic, she couldn't dive in and grab a first aid kit

The biggest clue? Ryan lied about the pilot's dinner during the dinner challenge, saying he ate vegetable dumplings even though he clearly ate chicken skewers, and openly cost the group $10,000 (this move was spotted by Hannah).

Muna is a bit more of a left-leaning choice. She was voted one of the most reliable players in the game from the start, was helpful during the heist mission, and is frequently seen talking about how big a help the bounty would be. However, she is not completely immune from suspicion (she is a "mole," who wouldn't be?), and a strategic "mole" would not want to give the game away from the start.

Muna has already spoken of playing to win and does not appear to be stressed by the elimination. Perhaps she is letting the other standout contestants sabotage her?
