I tried the new Sprite Chill, which gets colder the more you drink, and it was amazingly awesome!

I tried the new Sprite Chill, which gets colder the more you drink, and it was amazingly awesome!

You know that tingly sensation you get when you chew "cooling" gum? Sprite's latest innovation, Sprite Chill, promises a similar sensory experience with every sip from a can or bottle.

Sprite Chill is said to taste cold from start to finish by adding a "proprietary blend of cooling agents." This invention by the company's R&D department promises to increase the cooling effect as you continue drinking, replacing the refreshing sensation that is often lost the longer a carbonated beverage is exposed to air.

As someone who truly believes that room temperature carbonated beverages should be a crime, the idea of a carbonated beverage with a cooling effect caught my attention. I got a can of Sprite Chill Cherry Lime to see if this undisclosed cooling agent would actually make a difference.

The first sip, fresh from a few hours in the fridge, was like a sparkling cherry-lime flavored Sprite. It was a little fizzy compared to a regular can, but nothing special. But after the second and third sips, my mouth began to feel cold.

I stepped away from the can for a few minutes, but the coldness lasted surprisingly long. Exactly like the whole-mouth cooling effect of gum, as if it could blow cold air like an air conditioner. Strange, but delightful.

Felicity Boussetra, Coca-Cola's senior director of product development for sparkling flavors, could not give me any details about the additive that created this unique sensation. However, Boussetra did tell me that the team "spent a lot of time getting the right nuances so that it is bold from the first sip and lasts all the way through the last sip of the can or bottle."

"We know our customers want a more multi-sensory experience. We thought, "How can we take refreshment to the next level? How can we bring them the coolest, coolest experience?

I'm not sure if this sensation is for everyone, but if you're the type who laments that soda stops tasting good after the last few sips, Sprite Chill may be your answer.
