Your personal privacy with McAfee Privacy & Identity Guard.

Your personal privacy with McAfee Privacy & Identity Guard.

How many accounts have you opened online? Probably far more than you think.

The average Internet user has as many as 240 account name and password combinations.

This includes everything from accounts that are repeatedly created and closed for sweepstakes and special offers, to simple newsletter subscriptions, to daily necessities like bank accounts and software licenses.

We all know the importance of keeping our online banking secure, but even the most trivial account can leave fragments that can be assembled into a compelling facsimile of our online selves.

McAfee Privacy & Identity Guard can prevent this.

January 28 is Data Privacy Day, the best day of the year to discuss data privacy issues.

While computer viruses used to be a major nuisance on the Internet, these days data breaches and the varying degrees of identity theft they cause are of far greater concern to the average Internet user.

For this reason, McAfee Privacy & Identity Guard does not include anti-virus software and focuses solely on securing online accounts.

It is a device-independent solution, so it does not need to be installed on every device. Whether you run it on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, your entire online life is protected by a single app.

So how does it work? [First and foremost, McAfee's AI-powered fraud protection detects threats before they reach you. Powerful, ever-evolving algorithms identify suspicious URLs in emails and texts and flag them where you may be exposed to the threat.

But that is only the first line of defense.

The suite also proactively monitors up to 60 pieces of information that could potentially identify you and sends alerts if they are found on the dark web.

In other words, if a database exists that connects the dots between your mother's maiden name, date of birth, and email address, you will know it.

It doesn't end there.

The Personal Data Cleanup tool scans over 40 high-risk data broker sites (aka People Search Sites) to remove your personal information.

You will also receive monthly reports for any accounts you set up online. As we have seen, this is much more than most people think.

With this information at your fingertips, you can delete those that you no longer use or do not want to disclose relevant information.

Taylor Swift will eventually tour again, so you don't need a ticket reseller account.

Track and remove all digital footprints from the palm of your hand.

To try McAfee Privacy & Identity Guard, click here.
