Apple Watch7 leaks are boring - and it's a big problem

Apple Watch7 leaks are boring - and it's a big problem

The Apple Watch 7 is starting to make me nervous. Not stomach-churning nerves, but more like "I want to see the product succeed, but I'm a fan afraid Apple won't push the envelope enough."

Even though the debut of Apple's next-generation smartwatch is still months away, no significant upgrades appear to be planned. Of course, that is just speculation. But based on leaked information, or lack thereof, the Apple Watch 7 will not offer anything particularly interesting compared to the current Apple Watch 6.

To be sure, Apple is accustomed to incremental upgrades; there is little justification for upgrading the Apple Watch every year like the iPhone. But with each new model, we see at least one standout feature worthy of the hype: the Apple Watch 6 introduced SpO2 monitoring, the Apple Watch 5 has an always-on display, and the Apple Watch 4 was the first to feature electrocardiogram measurement. The Apple Watch 3 was the first smartwatch to support LTE.

So what will Apple Watch 7 offer? Your guess is as good as mine. We know that watchOS 8 with its own S7 processor will benefit power efficiency and speed, but beyond the basic improvements, it is unclear what this upcoming smartwatch will be able to do that other smartwatches cannot.

I am particularly concerned that Samsung's Galaxy Watch 4 has apparently leaked on Amazon's listing, and that its Apple Watch 7 rival will offer body composition analysis, presumably through Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology has been revealed. If it works on the user's wrist like the best smart scales, the Galaxy Watch 4 would be able to estimate body fat percentage, muscle mass, etc.

Earlier rumors indicated that the Galaxy Watch 4 and Apple Watch 7 would go head-to-head in blood sugar monitoring. While this would be a breakthrough for users with diabetes and those who want to keep track of their blood glucose levels, neither smartwatch seems to have any plans to do so.

Apple's smartwatch is the underdog going into the preliminary Apple Watch 7 vs. Galaxy Watch 4 matchup. Samsung is preparing a new Wear OS-One Watch UI hybrid, although it retained the title of best smartwatch with practically flawless software.

We'd like to believe that the differences between Apple Watch 7 vs. Apple Watch 6 are not as subtle as the differences between Apple Watch 6 vs. Apple Watch 5. Except for the fact that if there is anything exciting to share about the latest refresh, it should have already surfaced somewhere on the Internet.

My only consolation is that Apple is continuing its efforts to crack down on leaks and prevent inside product information from getting out to reporters and Twitter users who might ruin the upcoming new product.

Still, I'd like to see a little more info on the Apple Watch 7 to keep my interest until September. Before that, the Galaxy Watch 4 is scheduled for release, and the stakes are high for Apple to steal back the spotlight.
