Apple already offers high-quality laptops with the powerful M4 chip, but the company does not yet have an M4 MacBook Air. There is no shortage of rumors about Apple's MacBook Air M4, but the latest information suggests that the device is already in mass production and should hit the market soon.
Bloomberg reports that Apple's next-generation MacBook Air will arrive soon, and that the 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Airs with the M4 chip are “in the manufacturing stage” and will be available “early next year.
Based on this prediction, the new MacBook Air M4 could appear around the same time as the iPhone SE 4 launch, which is scheduled for March. There is also a possibility that the new MacBook Air M4 will appear at the same time as the iPhone SE 4, scheduled for March. But we will have to wait and see.
It makes sense for Apple to focus on the Air in the first half of 2025, as it will be important to have something fresh for the back-to-school shopping season. The addition of portability and fanless design also help make the Air one of the best laptops for many shoppers.
Getting ahead of the curve with the MacBook Pro M4 was wise in that early adopters had access to Apple's latest chips, but the Air is the logical follow-up.
Bloomberg reports that Apple intends to follow up with the Mac Studio, which features a high-end version of the Apple M4 chip. From there, the Cupertino company is expected to release a Mac Pro in late 2025.
The M4 MacBook Pro and M4 iMac are already available, so all Apple computers will have M4 chips by the end of 2024.
Bloomberg's Gurman expects the MacBook Pro to have M5, M5 Pro, and M5 Max chips by late 2025.