“Road Trip,” a six-part romantic comedy from the producers of “Flatshare. Addie (Emma Appleton) and her ex-boyfriend Dylan (Rory Davidson) are forced on an excruciatingly awkward ride-along to a mutual friend's wedding in Spain. Come to think of it, why did they break up?
Here's how to watch “Road Trip” from anywhere using a VPN.
A vacation fling two years ago couldn't have caused this much resentment. However, if I hadn't shared the camper with Addie's sister Deb (Isabella Laughland), Dylan's quarrelsome best friend Marcus (David Jonsson), and the irritating Rodney (Angus Imrie), who was a wedding guest who was just there to give me a ride home, it would have been much It would have been easier.
Addie and Marcus are adamant about not making up, and a series of flashbacks reveal why. Meanwhile, Deb is sympathetic to both her sister and Dylan, but her position changes when she learns that it was Addie who abandoned her; two years later, Dylan is still waiting for an explanation, but it never comes.
The journey itself is as fraught with danger as the conversation.
Just because “Road Trip” isn't available everywhere doesn't mean you have to miss it if you're in a country where the show isn't yet available.
With the right VPN (virtual private network), you can stream the show wherever you are. We evaluated many options and the best VPN is NordVPN. It meets the VPN needs of most users and offers excellent compatibility with most devices and great connection speeds.
A U.S. broadcast slot for “Road Trip” has not yet been confirmed. However, British, Canadian, and Australian visitors to the U.S. can catch the show by using NordVPN or other VPNs to view the usual stream.
Paramount Plus is showing “Road Trip” in Canada, and all six episodes will be available for streaming on Thursday, December 26.
Traveling abroad? Thanks to NordVPN, you can access your usual Paramount Plus subscription from anywhere.
“Road Trip” is also available in the UK on Paramount Plus, with all six episodes available on Thursday, December 26.
New members will receive a 7-day Paramount Plus trial, allowing them to watch all episodes of “Road Trip” online for free.
Traveling abroad? Thanks to NordVPN, you can access your usual UK streaming service from anywhere.
As in the UK, all six episodes of “Road Trip” will premiere in Australia on Thursday, December 26 on Paramount Plus.
If you are traveling abroad, you will need to use a VPN service such as NordVPN to access your regular Paramount account.