Google Maps is constantly changing, which is part of what makes it one of the best navigation apps out there. For all its faults, you know that things can change in the course of a day. And this brand new change to the interface is just that, and will help make Google Maps' busy interface a little more easy on the eyes.
The biggest problem is that Google Maps is very cluttered. There is a lot going on and the experience can be overwhelming. Thankfully, Google seems to be moving the weather icon in the upper left corner of the screen to a new location. Ideally, a location that doesn't try to divert attention away from the actual map.
As discovered by 9to5Google, it appears that the weather icon will now appear in the lower right corner of the screen. In doing so, it will find a new home in pull-up menus. Since pull-up menus already take up a lot of screen space, it would free up a bit of map space for the actual map.
I must admit, I had completely forgotten that the weather icon was actually there. While some may find the quick access to local weather useful, at least this feature is not going away entirely. It just found a brand new place where it doesn't get in the way of more important information.
For now, the weather icon seems to have moved to a new home only in the beta version of Google Maps. It doesn't seem to be live yet in the latest beta version, but it doesn't seem to be available worldwide. It is unclear how long this change will take, but since it is a small change, hopefully it won't take too long.
Hopefully this change means that Google will consider reducing other clutter in the Maps interface. This may be a small change, but it could be the beginning of something better.