Today's NYT Strand - 200th Clue, Spangram and Answers (Thursday, September 19, 2024)

Today's NYT Strand - 200th Clue, Spangram and Answers (Thursday, September 19, 2024)

Having trouble with the NYT Strand today? Today's topic, “Solve the Bugs,” is very easy, especially if you get your spangrams right away

Below, we've compiled some helpful hints and what-if answers for Strand #200 First, here are a few hints before we get to the answer to Strand #200

WARNING: There are spoilers for Strands #200

The official theme for NYT Strands #200 is “Getting Rid of Bugs”

And here's an unofficial tip from me: “It might make your skin crawl

If you're still in the dark, here's a handy word that gives you a valuable hint token:

Still struggling? Spangram gives you a hint on conjunctions Today it starts with a “C” and ends with an “S”

Scroll down to see what it is


Now, what's the answer to today's 200th strand?

Drumroll, please


Strands #200

“Work out the bugs”



Hello Strands fans! Today's match was a nice and easy one, especially if you look for spangrams first like I did I had a few failed attempts to find “insects” or “entomology” but when I found the spelling “creepy” at the top of the page I knew it had to be CREEPYCRAWLIES

That made it easier to just “tick” whenever I saw an insect or bug; SPIDER and MILLIPEDE completed the right side, and the triple set of “E ”s in the lower left corner made finding BEETLE easy

The last two took a bit more work, but finding TERMITE just above the BEETLE was completed speedily, with EARWIG quickly appearing in the upper left corner

Are you reading this late in the day? The full article on Strands' solution to yesterday's game #199 can be found here
