Elon Musk says all jobs will be an option in the future because ai will take care of us — if you're lucky

Elon Musk says all jobs will be an option in the future because ai will take care of us — if you're lucky

According to Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and founder of Neuralink, you don't have to work in the future. He was speaking during an interview at the startup and technology conference VivaTech2024.

Speaking about the rapid development of AI over the past few years, Musk was asked about the future and whether there is work for humans in the AI era. He said that in the most likely benign scenario, none of us would have a job, but "there would be a universal high income with plenty of goods and services.""

Musk says AI will handle everything for us and humanity will have to work out what to do with that time and energy. "The question is not 1 of missing goods or services, the question becomes 1 of meaning," he says, "If computers and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning?"What does your life mean?What does your life mean?”.

"Any work that someone does is arbitrary. If you want to work as a hobby, you can do the job, otherwise the AI will provide whatever goods and services you want. That's the most likely outcome," Musk said.

During his time-long remote keynote, Musk also signed a letter asking for this before the release of GPT-4o that he continues to believe that he needs to pause the development of future AI and large-scale language models (LLM)

which is the "funniest chatbot" with is own AI lab xAI, and is based on x Musk, who launched a deeply integrated Grok chatbot, said the pause is very unlikely, so "it is better to be a participant than an audience.""

Speaking again about xAI Musk, he showed that he doesn't agree with most of how AI is currently being developed. "We think AI is something that grows intelligence the same way we raise children," he added. "What you teach is important and you build it with values."

But he also added that the potential applications across education can be really profound. AI is patient, knowledgeable and "almost always right", making it an excellent teacher for children, even though parents need to be responsible for morality and values.

"It's like having Einstein for a teacher.But he also worries that today's children are being trained by social media. Parents should work to limit their children's screen time across social media platforms, he said.

Musk believes that the brain-computer interface developed by Neuralink can give humans an advantage in this competition with obsolescence by AI.

Neuralink's brain-computer interface is currently focused on the treatment of long-term disorders caused by brain and spine damage. But the ultimate goal is to develop a high-bandwidth interface that can give humans an advantage over the rapid development of digital super intelligence, Musk claimed.

To further explain, Musk said that we all have a 3rd layer above the limbic system and the cortex of the brain, which is involved in the speed of communicating with electronic devices.

"But the communication speed is very slow. The output of the number of sustained bits per 1 second in a human is only 1 bit per 10 seconds."Neuralink's goal is to develop a high-bandwidth interface that can speed up the speed at which humans communicate with electronic devices such as phones and computers.
