It is reported that apple HomePod burns out after installing beta software

It is reported that apple HomePod burns out after installing beta software

The strange story of the Apple HomePod continues. Although technically discontinued, software updates are being offered alongside the HomePod mini, but the latest beta version of the HomePod OS is said to be causing a critical overheating issue.

This is according to a thread on Reddit, where numerous HomePod owners have complained that, at best, the speaker gets very hot to the touch. At worst, some have reported that the HomePod's logic board has burned out, rendering it inoperable.

Unlike the iOS 15 beta and macOS 12 Monterey beta currently available, the accused HomePod OS 15 beta is strictly invite-only, so most HomePod owners need not worry yet. However, it is possible to download a device profile that grants access to the beta software through unofficial means, so it is likely that more HomePods are at risk.

A common problem seems to be that the top of the HomePod, where the touch control panel is located, gets uncomfortably hot. In some cases, users report that the HomePod will automatically power down, and in extreme cases, the logic board (basically what Apple calls the motherboard) can be irreparably damaged.

In addition to suspected overheating, users who have installed the beta version have reported a number of bugs, including disconnecting from the Apple Home app and Siri becoming unresponsive. Of course, the purpose of the beta version is to fix bugs that may have been overlooked in earlier testing, but it is unlikely that Apple expected the logic board to break after installation.

In any case, you should definitely avoid installing the HomePod OS 15 beta version on your own speakers, including the Homepod mini. If you want to try out the beta software, these issues are also a reminder that it is best to install it on a backup or secondary device, not on a technology you primarily use every day. Closed betas, in particular, are likely to have more potential bugs than open betas.
