Autumn Man Tips: 9 Things You Need To Know To Survive the Wild Race

Autumn Man Tips: 9 Things You Need To Know To Survive the Wild Race

It may sound crazy to offer tips on how to survive in the latest online party game that has us all hooked, "Fall Guys." Up to 60 colorful Fall Guys race against each other, jumping over each other and trying to steal each other's tails.

But after a long week of dutifully grinding Fall Guys (since the servers started working properly), we've discovered some lessons that will help you earn more Kudos and more skins and colorways.

The best advice starts with breathing and thinking mid-game. Yes, the fast-paced atmosphere of Fall Guys may push you to go full speed ahead, but you can also be smarter.

Here are Fall Guys' top 9 tips and tricks. This should give you everything you need to stop dropping out and start winning.

Don't let repeated failures keep you from enjoying Fall Guys. When I first played this game, I dropped out again and again. The chaos of Fall Guys, running through narrow corridors and crossing narrow beams, will not go well for most people on their first run-through. Once I stopped looking for perfection in Fall Guys, I was able to clear the level and move on. To quote Adventure Time: "Hey, being bad at something is the first step to being bad at it."

The desire to be first and the hypnotic colors and speedy soundtrack of the Fall Guys might make you think you need to go full speed ahead. But that can get you into a lot of trouble. For example, at the seesaw level, you need to back up a bit. This is because the lanes can get crowded with Fall Guys and large numbers of players can make it impossible to run on one side of the seesaw. By backing up and moving to the opposite lane, you (and the other Fall Guys and Fall Gals) can keep the balance and clear the way. Similarly, in the Hit Parade (the shaking wrecking ball) and the Willie Gig (the giant fan), you have to know when to run through the danger zone and when to wait for the giant object overhead to pass by.

In Fall Guys, the right joystick (for consoles) and mouse (for PCs) are your best friends. This is important on the racing level, as it allows you to see how others are failing and falling, as well as being essential in a perfect match. In this survival mode challenge, you must keep an eye on all the platforms around you. Each platform is tied to a specific fruit (though that fruit is only visible for a brief moment), and the more platforms you rotate the camera to see, the better you know where to go. One of my Fall Guys buddies doesn't remember the squares at all and instead (successfully) follows the herd.

Fall Guys' team mode is often the most difficult, but knowing when you don't need more points can help your team win; in games like Egg Scramble or Hoarders, you can grab all the eggs or steal giant You may be forced to keep trying to steal the flying ball, but that could change by the end of the game. If your team is doing well and you feel like you have the lead, know that you are not out of the woods yet. Instead, use this moment to prevent the other team from taking the egg or the ball away from your corner of the playing field. If your defense is small and your lead is large, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a raid. This is also true in Fall Ball (aka Rocket League with Fall Guys), where you don't want to leave an open goal at the end of the game.

There are many Fall Guys levels that take advantage of things you don't know yet. Whether it is because you are a new player or because you have some tricks up your sleeve. The trickiest of them all is the door dash, a race full of doors that you have to barrel through, although some doors are unbreakable if you run through them. For this reason, it is important to stay close to the pack, rather than letting random coincidences take your luck every time. Everyone else will be bumping into fake or real doors for you so you can do your best to get through a functional exit. Watching and learning is also the most important thing you can do when you fall into unfamiliar levels. This is also true of Tip Toe's series of false floors.

Gate Crash is one of the levels I have the most trouble improving on because (for some reason) I have trouble picking the right gate. Because (for some reason) it is hard to pick the right gate. In this level, you are trying to run through gates that lower and close, but each gate has its own timing for opening and closing. If you treat subsequent rows of gates to run in the same pattern, you will get stuck. Also, if you hit a gate that does not lower when you want it to lower, do not immediately run to another gate. Wait for that gate to lower or else you will find yourself in a loop of rising gates that will lose the race.

At first, I didn't even realize that dive was an option because I was flying around aimlessly. But with "Dive" ("Square" on PS4, "Ctrl" on PC), you get another way to move through the air. As the name implies, the dive propels you forward as well as upward. This is key to making the forward running jumps that are necessary when moving from platform to platform. Nevertheless, it is important for the fall ball to hit the dive in the middle of the jump. Dives can also help you escape tail thieves in a team tail tag, but they also create an opening for opponents near your landing spot.

When I played Jump Club, a survival mode challenge, I was shocked to find that many people made the game more difficult by running away from spinning beams that were trying to drop you. Instead, they had more success if they stayed in relatively the same position and waited to jump over the spinning bar. This is because even if you stay super still, the angles can make it difficult to know when to jump. So my advice for jump mode and block parties is to stick to one part of the map, move and jump strategically, and adjust your perspective. Moving too fast will only cause you to collide with other Fall Guys and lose your chance to survive. However, the opposite is true when playing rollout, which means dodging more obstacles.

Do you have a Fall Guys crew? You can party with up to three other players before entering the arena, so it's time to get in formation to work as a team. Whether you use voice chat on a console or Discord, being able to warn each other about the situation becomes increasingly important towards the end of the game. The final challenge map, Hex-A-Gone, has a disappearing floor tier, and there are even perks for falling to the lowest level. In doing so, you can direct your fellow Fall Guys and Fall Gals to your position, such as the inner core or outer ring, based on where other players are erasing their frames.

