Category : Security

Fake Covid-19 Contract Tracking App Will Spy On You: What to Do

Fake Covid-19 Contract Tracking App Will Spy On You: What to Do

As governments around the world release Covid-19 contact tracking apps to their citizens to slow the spread of infection, cybercriminals are creating ...

UK Coronavirus Phishing Scam Uses Fake Email: How to Stay Safe

UK Coronavirus Phishing Scam Uses Fake Email: How to Stay Safe

Cyber fraudsters are attempting to steal passwords to Microsoft accounts for small businesses in the UK by sending fake emails promising government ba...

Smart TVs, refrigerators and light bulbs may stop working next year: Here's why

Smart TVs, refrigerators and light bulbs may stop working next year: Here's why

Your smart TV, set-top box, and smart refrigerator may lose most of their Internet connections in the next year or two, digital security experts warn....

FBI Issues Warning to Bank Trojan Surge: How to Stay Safe

FBI Issues Warning to Bank Trojan Surge: How to Stay Safe

The FBI warned yesterday (June 10) that cybercriminals could exploit the increased use of online bank accounts and mobile banking apps as a result of ...

Twitter deleted 32,000 accounts to spread fake news

Twitter deleted 32,000 accounts to spread fake news

Twitter has deleted 32,242 accounts after discovering three major state-sponsored propaganda efforts. In a blog post earlier today (June 12), the soci...

Scary Android Spyware Can Steal Your Messages: What to Do

Scary Android Spyware Can Steal Your Messages: What to Do

Trend Micro researchers have discovered a new strain of Android spyware being used in a widespread campaign against Taiwan and Turkey, as well as the ...

How fast can I find an unprotected database online? Less than 9 hours

How fast can I find an unprotected database online? Less than 9 hours

What happens when a database full of important personal information is left unprotected on the Internet? Potential data thieves would find it within h...

It is said that he expanded the hot water to silence freedom of speech.

It is said that he expanded the hot water to silence freedom of speech.

Zoom is in big political and public relations trouble after it suspended three accounts run by Chinese dissidents for holding online meetings related ...